TNeo  v1.08
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_TN_BuildCfgStructure with build-time configurations values; it is needed for run-time check which ensures that build-time options for the kernel match ones for the application
 C_TN_TaskProfilerInternal kernel structure for profiling data of task
 CTN_DQueueStructure representing data queue object
 CTN_DQueueTaskWaitDQueue-specific fields related to waiting task, to be included in struct TN_Task
 CTN_EGrpLinkA link to event group: used when event group can be connected to some kernel object, such as queue
 CTN_EGrpTaskWaitEventGrp-specific fields related to waiting task, to be included in struct TN_Task
 CTN_EventGrpEvent group
 CTN_FMemFixed memory blocks pool
 CTN_FMemTaskWaitFMem-specific fields related to waiting task, to be included in struct TN_Task
 CTN_ListItemCircular doubly linked list item, for internal kernel usage
 CTN_TaskTimingTiming structure that is managed by profiler and can be read by tn_task_profiler_timing_get() function