TNeo  v1.09
Architecture-specific details

Architecture-specific details

PIC32 port details

Context switch

The context switch is implemented using the core software 0 interrupt (CS0), which is configured by the kernel to the lowest priority (1). This interrupt is handled completely by the kernel, application should never touch it.

The interrupt priority level 1 should not be configured to use shadow register sets.

Multi-vectored interrupt mode should be enabled.

if tneo is built as a separate library (which is typically the case), then the file src/arch/pic32/tn_arch_pic32_int_vec1.S must be included in the main project itself, in order to dispatch vector1 (core software interrupt 0) correctly. Do note that if we include this file in the TNeo library project, it doesn't work for vector, unfortunately.
If you forgot to include this file, you got an error on the link step, like this:
undefined reference to `_you_should_add_file___tn_arch_pic32_int_vec1_S___to_the_project'
Which is much more informative than if you just get to _DefaultInterrupt when it's time to switch context.


For generic information about interrupts in TNeo, refer to the page Interrupts.

PIC32 port has system interrupts only, there are no user interrupts.

PIC32 port supports nested interrupts. The kernel provides C-language macros for calling C-language interrupt service routines, which can use either MIPS32 or MIPS16e mode. Both software and shadow register interrupt context saving is supported. Usage is as follows:

/* Timer 1 interrupt handler using software interrupt context saving */
/* here is your ISR code, including clearing of interrupt flag, and so on */
/* High-priority UART interrupt handler using shadow register set */
/* here is your ISR code, including clearing of interrupt flag, and so on */

In spite of the fact that the kernel provides separate stack for interrupt, this isn't a mandatory on PIC32: you're able to define your ISR in a standard way, making it use stask of interrupted task and work a bit faster. Like this:

void __ISR(_TIMER_1_VECTOR) timer_1_isr(void)
/* here is your ISR code, including clearing of interrupt flag, and so on */

There is always a tradeoff. There are no additional constraints on ISR defined without kernel-provided macro: in either ISR, you can call the same set of kernel services.

When you make a decision on whether particular ISR should use separate stack, consider the following:

  • When ISR is defined in a standard way, and no function is called from that ISR, only necessary registers are saved on stack. If you have such an ISR (that doesn't call any function), and this ISR should work very fast, consider using standard way instead of kernel-provided macro.
  • When ISR is defined in a standard way, but it calls any function and doesn't use shadow register set, compiler saves (almost) full context on the task's stack, because it doesn't know which registers are used inside the function. In this case, it usually makes more sense to use kernel-provided macro (see below).
  • Kernel-provided interrupt macros switch stack pointer between interrupt stack and task stack automatically, it takes additional time: e.g. on PIC32 it's about 20 cycles.
  • Kernel-provided interrupt macro that doesn't use shadow register set always saves (almost) full context on the interrupt stack, independently of whether any function is called from an ISR.
  • Kernel-provided interrupt macro that uses shadow register set saves a little amount of registers on the interrupt stack.


For generic information on building TNeo, refer to the page Building TNeo.

MPLABX project for PIC32 port resides in the lib_project/pic32/tneo_pic32.X directory. This is a library project in terms of MPLABX, so if you use MPLABX you can easily add it to your application project by right-clicking Libraries -> Add Library Project .... Alternatively, of course you can just build it and use resulting tneo_pic32.X.a file in whatever way you like.

If you want to build TNeo manually, refer to the section Building manually for generic notes about it, and there is a couple of arch-dependent sources you need to add to the project:

  • src/arch/pic32/tn_arch_pic32.c
  • src/arch/pic32/tn_arch_pic32mx_xc32.S
There is one more file: tn_arch_pic32_int_vec1.S, which should be included in your application project to make things work. It is needed to dispatch vector1 (Core Software Interrupt 0) correctly.

PIC24/dsPIC port details

Context switch

The context switch is implemented using the external interrupt 0 (INT0). It is handled completely by the kernel, application should never touch it.


For generic information about interrupts in TNeo, refer to the page Interrupts.

PIC24/dsPIC TNeo port supports nested interrupts. It allows to specify the range of system interrupt priorities. Refer to the subsection Interrupt types for details on what is system interrupt.

System interrupts use separate interrupt stack instead of the task's stack. This approach saves a lot of RAM.

The range is specified by just a single number: #TN_P24_SYS_IPL, which represents maximum system interrupt priority. Here is a list of available priorities and their characteristics:

  • priorities [1 .. #TN_P24_SYS_IPL]:
    • Kernel services are allowed to call;
    • The macro tn_p24_soft_isr() must be used.
    • Separate interrupt stack is used by ISR;
    • Interrupts of these priorities get disabled for short periods of time when modifying critical kernel data (for about 100 cycles or the like).
  • priorities [(#TN_P24_SYS_IPL + 1) .. 6]:
    • Kernel services are not allowed to call;
    • The macro tn_p24_soft_isr() must not be used.
    • Task's stack is used by ISR;
    • Interrupts of these priorities are not disabled when modifying critical kernel data, but they are disabled for 4..8 cycles by disi instruction when entering/exiting system ISR: we need to safely modify SP and SPLIM.
  • priority 7:
    • Kernel services are not allowed to call;
    • The macro tn_p24_soft_isr() must not be used.
    • Task's stack is used by ISR;
    • Interrupts of these priorities are never disabled by the kernel (note that disi instruction leaves interrupts of priority 7 enabled).

The kernel provides C-language macro for calling C-language system interrupt service routines.

Usage is as follows:

* Timer 1 interrupt handler using software interrupt context saving,
* PSV is handled automatically:
tn_p24_soft_isr(_T1Interrupt, auto_psv)
//-- clear interrupt flag
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
//-- do something useful
do not use this macro for non-system interrupt (that is, for interrupt of priority higher than #TN_P24_SYS_IPL). Use standard way to define it. If #TN_CHECK_PARAM is on, kernel checks it: if you violate this rule, debugger will be halted by the kernel when entering ISR. In release build, CPU is just reset.

Atomic access to the structure bit field

The problem with PIC24/dsPIC is that when we write something like:

IPC0bits.INT0IP = 0x05;

We actually have read-modify-write sequence which can be interrupted, so that resulting data could be corrupted. PIC24/dsPIC port provides several macros that offer atomic access to the structure bit field.

The kernel would not probably provide that kind of functionality, but TNeo itself needs it, so, it is made public so that application can use it too.

Refer to the page Atomic bit-field access macros for details.


For generic information on building TNeo, refer to the page Building TNeo.

MPLABX project for PIC24/dsPIC port resides in the lib_project/pic24_dspic/tneo_pic24_dspic.X directory. This is a library project in terms of MPLABX, so if you use MPLABX you can easily add it to your main project by right-clicking Libraries -> Add Library Project ....

Alternatively, of course you can just build it and use resulting .a file in whatever way you like.

there are two configurations of this project: eds and no_eds, for devices with and without extended data space, respectively. When you add library project to your application project, you should select correct configuration for your device; otherwise, you get "undefined reference" errors at linker step.

If you want to build TNeo manually, refer to the section Building manually for generic notes about it, and additionally you should add arch-dependent sources: all .c and .S files from src/arch/pic24_dspic

Cortex-M0/M0+/M3/M4/M4F port details

Context switch

The context switch is implemented in a standard for Cortex-M CPUs way: the PendSV exception. SVC exception is used for _tn_arch_context_switch_now_nosave(). These two exceptions are configured by the kernel to the lowest priority.


For generic information about interrupts in TNeo, refer to the page Interrupts.

Cortex-M port has system interrupts only, there are no user interrupts.

Interrupts use separate interrupt stack, i.e. MSP (Main Stack Pointer). Tasks use PSP (Process Stack Pointer).

There are no constraints on ISRs: no special macros for ISR definition, or whatever. This is because Cortex-M processors are designed with OS applications in mind, so a number of featureas are available to make OS implementation easier and make OS operations more efficient.


For generic information on building TNeo, refer to the page Building TNeo.

There are many environments for building for Cortex-M CPUs (Keil, Eclipse, CooCox), all available projects reside in lib_project/cortex_m directory. They usually are pretty enough if you want to just build the kernel with non-default configuration.

If, however, you want to build it not using provided project, refer to the section Building manually for generic notes about it, and additionally you should add arch-dependent sources: all .c and .S files from src/arch/cortex_m.

There are some additional tips depending on the build environment:

Keil 5, ARMCC compiler

To satisfy building requirements, a couple of actions needed:

  • C99 is off by default. In project options, C/C++ tab, check "C99 Mode" checkbox.
  • Assembler files (.S) aren't preprocessed by default, so, in project options, Asm tab, "Misc Controls" field, type the following: --cpreproc

Keil 5, GCC compiler

Unfortunately, when GCC toolchain is used from Keil uVision IDE, for .S files it calls arm-none-eabi-as, which does not call C preprocessor.

Instead, arm-none-eabi-gcc should be used, but unfortunately I was unable to make Keil uVision issue arm-none-eabi-gcc for .S files, the only way to use GCC toolchain in Keil uVision that I'm aware of is to preprocess the file manually, like that:

cpp -P -undef tn_arch_cortex_m.S                         \
      -D __GNUC__ -D __ARM_ARCH -D __ARM_ARCH_7M__       \
      -I ../.. -I ../../core                             \
      > tn_arch_cortex_m3_gcc.s

(this example is for Cortex-M3, you may check the file tn_arch_detect.h to see what should you define instead of __ARM_ARCH_7M__ for other cores)

And then, add the output file tn_arch_cortex_m3_gcc.s to the project instead of tn_arch_cortex_m.S

#define tn_p32_soft_isr(vec)
Interrupt handler wrapper macro for software context saving.
Definition: tn_arch_pic32.h:344
#define tn_p24_soft_isr(_func, _psv)
ISR wrapper macro for software context saving.
Definition: tn_arch_pic24.h:484
#define tn_p32_srs_isr(vec)
Interrupt handler wrapper macro for shadow register context saving.
Definition: tn_arch_pic32.h:493